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了解美国10043号总统令/A Quick Look at U.S. Presidential Proclamation 10043

禁令原委/About PP10043
Understanding Presidential Proclamation 10043
On June 3, 2020, former U.S. President Donald Trump signed Presidential Proclamation 10043, which, under the guise of national security, prohibits certain students and scholars from obtaining F/J visas. Ostensibly, this proclamation targets entities that help implement the Military-Civil Fusion strategy; however, in reality, it disrupts the academic pursuits of many innocent students.
The definition of entities implementing the Military-Civil Fusion strategy is vague, leading visa officers to mistakenly identify certain science and engineering schools, including Beihang University, Beijing Institute of Technology, and Harbin Institute of Technology, as such entities.
禁令毫无根据地扩大了影响范围,并有进一步扩大的趋势。依据总统令的禁止范围 ("who either receives funding from or who currently is employed by, studies at, or conducts research at or on behalf of, or has been employed by, studied at, or conducted research at or on behalf of"),任何在被认定为实施过军民融合计划的机构“工作,或者学习过”的学生和学者均无法获得赴美从事本科以上的研究或学习的签证。
The List is Dynamically Updated
The ban has unjustifiably expanded its scope and shows signs of further expansion. According to the proclamation, any student or scholar who has "worked or studied" at an institution identified as implementing the Military-Civil Fusion strategy is ineligible for a visa to pursue undergraduate or higher-level research or study in the U.S.
In actual visa interviews, all students who have studied at these schools or received funding from the China Scholarship Council (CSC) and wish to study STEM subjects in the U.S., regardless of their degree level or years since graduation, are uniformly denied visas.
Initial Counteractions by Chinese Students
According to data released by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as of the end of June, at least 500 Chinese students have been denied visas under Proclamation 10043. The U.S. Embassy recently downplayed the impact, claiming that the ban "only affects 2% of F and J visa applicants." However, Georgetown University estimates that 3,000-5,000 students are affected annually, accounting for 16%-27% of Chinese students in STEM fields in the U.S.
Since 2019, Chinese communities at home and abroad have successfully opposed several unfair and unreasonable policies introduced by the Trump administration, including the TikTok ban and the WeChat ban. This time, several students and alumni from eight universities have united to seek help from relevant authorities and schools in China, and have actively campaigned on social media and in the media to call for collective action against the discriminatory ban.

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